Wednesday, February 25, 2015

International Headlines at BEA

BEA announced today that the  8TH ANNUAL BEST TRANSLATED BOOK AWARD will be held for the first time at BEA.  We are thrilled to be able to present this award at the largest event for trade publishing in North America because it goes hand in hand with some of the exciting developments at BEA the last few years that better serves participating  international publishers.  

Coming in the wake of the 2014 Global Market Forum program that featured Books in Translation, BEA launched the new Translation Marketplace (TM).  In 2015 the TM returns to BEA, now located in a much more prominent location on the show floor.  BEA will also have the first ever Books in Translation Buzz Panel.  Of course, there will be several blog posts coming to share the wonderfully ambitious details about this year's Global Market Forum program on China, as the featured country of honor.  You will get detailed info on the professional programs, market insights, networking opportunities, delegations of authors, 120 publishers and their executives all participating in BEA this year from China. This all falls into line with the increased international participation BEA has received the last several years from both exhibitors and attendees.  

Please check the links below for details on BEA's International participation and the super low cost exhibit option in the Translation Market.


Link to the Translation Market Exhibit Option