Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Poached Post from today's GalleyCat

I am posting this article about Spain's Planeta Prize for two reasons - one being that the US reads so few books in translation (3%) which is an absurdly low number - maybe knowing that a book was so good that it was awarded $833k might get someone's attention.  The second reason I am stunned by the amount - WOW that is a lot of Euros and even more Dollars!. 

Last weekend Javier Moro won Spain’s 601,000 euro ($833,800) Planeta Prize for the novel El Imperio Eres Tú, a book about a 19th Century Brazilian emperor.Direct Link to GalleyCat

Literary blogger M.A.Orthofer noted that the English-speaking press has given the award “very, very little” coverage. He also linked to a list of the world’s richest literary prizes. Why do you think the mainstream press ignores many prizes on this long list of major awards?

Here’s more from The Literary Saloon: “money might not be everything, but in that respect this prize is in a whole different league than the Man Booker (hell, at €150,000 the runner-up — apparently Tiempo de arena, by Inma Chacón this time around — gets more than double the Man Booker winner’s take) — and the ‘major’ American prizes (Pulitzer, National Book Award, National Book Critics Circle) are strictly minor league by comparison.”

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