Friday, April 6, 2012

Defining Issues – The BEA Press Pass (+ bonus travel tip)

I want to take this opportunity to clarify our press registration policy.  We welcome all members of the press to BEA, which includes bloggers who provide an invaluable contribution to continuing dialogue about books and authors.  That said, we turned down a number of press applications yesterday and unfortunately we notified some individuals of their status well past the 2 week benchmark for evaluation that we stated in our original communication.  For that we are very sorry and we apologize to those individuals (and are working with those individuals to resolve amicably in a way that will make sure they are able to still attend BEA). 
Meanwhile, I wanted to take this opportunity to outline our press guidelines which have always been in place and which we will post to the website for anyone and everyone to see.  Our goal is simple:  to maintain the highest standard of excellence for both our exhibitors and our attendees in everything that we do.  It is with this in mind that we established the following criteria:  
  • No one under 18 years of age is allowed at BEA unless they are accompanied by a member of the publishing industry. (This pertains to anyone registering to attend BEA.)
  • Professional editorial coverage of BEA in trade magazines, electronic media (TV, Radio, etc.), blogs, periodicals, etc.
  • Subject Matter & Focus
  • Content Update Frequency
  • Community & Traffic (total impressions, circulation for magazines/newspapers, demographics, etc.)
All returning independent and freelance journalists must supply links to stories written AND published in mainstream media outlets as proof of their journalistic qualifications; independent and freelance journalists attending BEA for the first time must provide letter of assignment from mainstream media outlet.  We hope this clears up any confusion and sincerely apologize for the delay in conveying notice.   
On a separate travel note - someone forwarded me a tip for cheap hotels.  I have not used this, but very much trust the person who sent this along:
On online auction for travel, I have purchased numerous things.  It is a legitimate site and there are some good bargains there from time to time.  

One of the things that I have purchased are nights at the Wyndham Garden Hotel at the Newark Airport.... as shown below.  Simply put...the price is right.  A room only cost me $11 + $32 = $43 total.....which isn't bad at all.  Now, I have 'won' two separate auctions for rooms at the Wyndham Newark Airport... that it can be for up to 12 nights....and anytime until Dec. 2012


  1. This not an acceptable apology, particularly for those of us who were notified more than two months after initial registration and have heard nothing more than the generic form email rejection.

    1. Mandi - We did make an error here and are genuinely sorry. We will provide you with a pass that will allow you into BEA. Please e-mail me your original confirmation number at

    2. Um, hi Steve. There are plenty of us here. Like everyone you all wrongly rejected two or more months after the fact.

    3. Steven, does this go for all of us? Can we e-mail you all our information now, too?

      What about us? Those who work hard on their blogs and in spreading the word about books, authors, publishing, and events such as BEA? Where does this leave us? Oh wait, we have to pay right? And still cover your event on our blogs.

    4. Yes - if we did not notify you in a timely manner - please forward me your confirmation number ands we will insure you get a badge. If you feel like we need to revisit your qualifications - we are happy to do so and explain the criteria we have been using based on what publishers tell us and bloggers that participated in focus groups this past fall

    5. Okay, so Steven Rosato is formally stating that everyone who was contacted 2+ months after registering will be comped a press pass?

    6. Thank you, Steve. I have sent you an e-mail.

      Damaris Cardinali

    7. Thank you for addressing this issue. It was extremely unsettling to receive these emails yesterday, well past the 2 weeks, and after so many plans/arrangements have been made. many of us stand to lose a lot of money over this.

      We appreciate your help, Steve.

    8. Thank You Email Sent Anna Dase

  2. Steven I can understand the position y'all is in, however by over-stepping the 2 week mark by 2 months and more, BEA has left a lot of people in precarious situations. Some of which are costly financial losses because their budget did not extend to suddenly handing BEA money.

    If BEA had been upfront about the credentials for Bloggers immediately, and had said from the get-go of registration that we would have to pay, it wouldn't be an issue. However they did not and it leaves a nasty taste in people's mouths with the way it was handled and is continuing to be handled.

    This doesn't even include the bloggers who registered for BBC AND BEA, paid the BBC price and were also rejected.

    I think it would be important to not only state what is sad above, but to also have a minimum so that in the future bloggers who apply as 'press' can clearly see 'Oh I don't meet the minimum requirements so I have to pay'.

    1. Lexie: Because we were so late in providing notice - we have offered to provide a pass to BEA for those that have made travel plans and were not notified in a timely manner as they should have been. This ONLY applies to those seeking a free press pass. Anyone registered for the BBC, that includes a pass to BEA and are unaffected. This is how BEA has always handled it. The people that did not qualify were a mix of bloggers and regular media. I am late to get my son to a little league practice. I am happy to talk to you directly about this. The Holiday weekend makes it tough - but I am in the office most of next week. My office # is 203.840.5463

    2. Steven- Does this apply to all of us who made travel plans? I myself am a Blogger, I applied for BEA on January and heard nothing until yesterday, who also got a denial and I am coming all the way from FL. I will not be attending BBC, and just today because I was so worried about this whole thing I had to ask for borrowed money in order to get the $159. Will we get refunded?

    3. Yeah, I'm with you there Taschima. Of course like with the rest of the communication and the form email being so vague nothing was outlined. So many like you and myself may have paid as non-editorial media (which is a weird term to me for bloggers/writers) yet we're now hearing about people getting compensated for being told late, when we ALSO were told more than two months after the fact. I registered in late January and received notice on April 5th and am asking about getting refunded for BEA as well. Definitely email Steven and Roger about this as there's too many discrepancies and special circumstances that were not clarified in that form email sent and really it should've been vetted heavily beforehand. Hope things work out for you. I've sent Steve, Roger, and a customer service rep my contact info about this and hope to hear back early next week.

  3. I'm completely confused and hope that someone from BEA will respond to my emails. I was under the impression that if you registered for the BookBloggerCon, you paid $135 and received access to the entire BEA conference. Full stop.

    From a previous post here:

    -----If you are a qualified book blogger you can register for BEA Bloggers as a blogger or under media. The fee for this pass is $135 (Early Bird) and that includes a full pass to BEA which as well as the exhibits at BlogWorld (BW). You can upgrade for a full BW conference pass for the difference in the appropriate price point.------

    You can register as a blogger or under media. That's what you said. I paid my fee. Am I not a qualified book blogger? I don't mean to be self aggrandizing, but if Dear Author is not considered a legitimate book blogger, I am at a loss as to what the criteria for a legitimate book blogger may be.

    1. As I just posted elsewhere...

      So, I was just told that if you don't meet their requirement of "Blogger" (and I, apparently, don't) then you don't qualify for that $135 rate that was advertised (I paid that $135 and have now been told I have to pay MORE for access too BEA).

      The customer service rep could not tell me those requirements because she is "not privy to them."

      She told me to email Roger Bilheimer to find out those reqs - I emailed him yesterday and have not gotten a response.

      FYI - if you want to cancel your registration (like I am), email - they won't do it over the phone.

    2. So it is true that if you pay the BEA Blogger fee you are getting denied?

    3. Yes, this is true. And apparently their systems were down and the rep could not even tell me how much extra I would have to pay to attend BEA in addition to the BBC.

    4. But according to previous statements, EVERYONE who pays the $135 for the BBC should also get a free BEA pass, right? So this shouldn't even be an issue?

      "If you are a qualified book blogger you can register for BEA Bloggers as a blogger or under media. The fee for this pass is $135 (Early Bird) and that includes a full pass to BEA."

    5. If they turned down DearAuthor they quite frankly don't know what New Media is and who the leading lights of it are. I am gobsmacked.

    6. The issue here is the "qualified book blogger" phrase. We don't qualify. We don't know why.

      I can guess why I don't - I'm relatively new - but Dear Author? Once Upon a Twilight? They need to publicize whatever arbitrary qualifications they have chosen - and should have publicized it up front.

    7. Everything seems to be down today unfortunately because of the holiday. I was informed that nothing would be resolved today and I should check back on Monday about inquiries and such. In some instances this may extend to Tuesday, April 10th. I agree that this all should've been very clear back in January when they opened the media registration. I had looked at what they noted and to be qualified you needed clips (as press) and as a blogger you have to post at least 3x a week. They made no mention of visitations and such. I had emailed Roger as well but assume I won't get a response. Best bet is to continue contacting customer service and see if they can help resolve issues. If he states that he'll be working with people on the financial end I certainly hope he will. NYC is not a cheap place to visit and I know because I live here.

    8. Since they posted '"If you are a qualified book blogger you can register for BEA Bloggers as a blogger or under media. The fee for this pass is $135 (Early Bird) and that includes a full pass to BEA."' they absolutely should honor it. Like, how are actual book bloggers like Dear Author not qualified?

      I'm sorry it's just WRONG to go back on your previous promise, BEA, and to not be transparent about any of this.

    9. I got a response back from Roger Bilheimer saying that someone from BEA's Press office would contact me, and I assume many of those who've been denied, next week to explain or perhaps offer some kind of discount. I hope they show a lot of care and consideration seeing as how they were the ones to drop the ball.

    10. Please know if you paid for the BBC - that includes your pass to BEA - that was NEVER a question. This notice is ONLY for people seeking a FREE Press pass - this went to regular media and bloggers alike.

    11. Then why did people who paid their $135 sent the notice and asked to pay more? This still seems less than clear.

  4. I registered as press last year. Noone asked me for any creds then or now. I registered this year on Jan. 26. I have many more readers and page views now than I did last year.

    What this action by Reed amounts to is your company acting in violation of its own policy in the lateness of its action. Reed should bear the cost of their mistake.

    I have called and spoken with your customer service people and no one is working to HELP anyone. Your "missing your own two week" deadline" has caused me to miss cut-offs for the co-located conferences earlier pricing. No one is WORKING with me; I was offered a non-editorial media badge at $96 which means I would have to pay a much higher price to attend Blog World. That is very important in my week's plan.

    My blog focus is very good. I review five to six books in my genre across the Older YA, Adult and Erotica categories each week. I post to two blogs daily. My smaller blog, Winged Effigy, is for a personal outlook while my larger blog, Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust is for news, reviews, educational information and commentary. Once in a while I entertain out of genre books. YOU send me press releases (as does HBO and as do publishers). I attended a regional book conference here in Maine just two weeks ago, meeting with two writers and reporting on that meeting.

    By not stating what the numbers for followers and impressions are you have left it so you not only are, but also appear, arbitrary and capricious in your application of your standards. Appearance is everything. In this action you have damaged my professional

    If I am media, as I apparently am as I have been offered the non-editorial MEDIA badge, I am certainly editorial. There is no one else here doing editorial, sales, ads or networking. I am NEW MEDIA.

    You did not reject a few bloggers you rejected MANY, MANY bloggers. I can understand you needing to put a spin on this horrible Public Relations event but, while we may have to pay more to attend, we don't have to buy the spin.

    1. Completely true. For the past two or so years I gained access as press and had my clips and such available for a company I freelance with. My personal blog has gained readership over the past year as well. And when I registered I looked at the notations for being accepted as press.

      There are NUMEROUS book bloggers that publishers rely on to spread the word about new titles and that self published authors rely on also. Book bloggers are increasingly important to the publishing industry as a whole because they help get the word out that the larger media outlets are not in regards to literature on all ends. It's such a shame that Book Expo was not upfront about credentials and specifics in regards to press passes. Everyone would have understood if this had been laid out immediately.

      I also registered in late January and to receive this information in early April is ridiculous. And I wasn't even offered any discounts as non-editorial media when I spoke with customer service today. I don't even really understand what non-editorial means. Editorial is writing and content and that's what we'd all be producing so why cut the growing amount of bloggers out of the biggest publishing conference in North America?

      If they knew about this I think they should have automatically offered a huge discount to press that had been denied and said that they would work with us to aid in getting to BEA. To get such a blase form letter was rude and disheartening, especially to do so the day before a holiday when much of the staff I've attempted to contact is out of the office and I have been told repeatedly that "nothing would get done until Monday."

    2. Jennifer & Steph - I am genuinely sorry - we are providing badges to the people that we have not notified in a timely manner. We were clearly wrong. There is a lot of incorrect information being floated in that this has nothing to do with anyone attending the BBC (if you are going to BBC - that includes your BEA pass). This was notice was only for people seeking a free press pass - which included regular media as well as bloggers. Aside from the timing issue - this is how we have always handled this process. We did make a mistake and we did post the guidelines we use to determine who is working media, blogger or otherwise. If you need further help - I will be in the office most of next week (M, W & Th) - you can reach me at 203-840-5463. I hope you are able to enjoy the Holiday Weekend.

    3. Steve, you do know that you are going to get a substantial amount of calls beginning Monday. I hope you're ready for them.

  5. An unacceptable and weak apology. You're working with us? You're working against us by denying us after 2 months or more going against your own 2 week policy. Many bloggers had already made arrangements because they followed your rules and you screwed them. It was a bad and ugly PR move. Do you have any idea how large our community is? You have alienated so many people. The only acceptable apology is honoring the 2 week agreement and then paying our hotel stays for the undue stress you have caused for so many people.

  6. This seriously doesn't clear up anything.

    And it's not like you weren't asked about this *months* ago.

  7. "...unfortunately we notified some individuals of their status well past the 2 week benchmark for evaluation that we stated in our original communication."

    There were financial decisions made based upon that original communication - non-refundable ones at that. Your latest communication is well beyond that two week mark. You talk about amicable resolutions. But will you make good on those who are out of pocket based upon those promises?

    Further, you state that the guidelines were clear about who is deemed press and who is not and yet when people called your customer support team and were informed that they are good to go, or there are no flags on their registration, giving a further feeling of assurance about their status, it seems that creates even more of a binding agreement that should be honored.

    You can't state a policy and go back on that policy months later when people are making financial decisions based upon that policy. Not only was the blogger definition not clear, in some cases bloggers - like myself - were told very specifically that they could consider themselves press. By your customer support team. And on more than one occasion.

    A late in the game policy change can't simply be ignored with a few words of apology, not when there were financial decisions made based upon those original policies and promises. Whether the status for entrance is press, or as non-editorial media or even just comping the conference to those who received those promises would be the honorable thing. And the decision that would possibly not result in any legal claims the recipients of those promises may have against the expo.

    1. We also still don't know what the magic criteria even were? Stating *clear* (a.k.a. objective) criteria up front would have avoided this.

  8. What a total scam. How can they say you can go, take your money, then say, ooops, sorry we didn't let you know in time, but you can't come. Scandalous!

    1. Well they can still go, but with less access and more cost. And will probably be surprised that bloggers who get rejected and then billed extra are annoyed. Srsly, reject a blog run by someone on one of the panels? Makes no sense.

    2. Right, we can come to the BBC for $135 but the rest of BEA will cost extra money. The $135 is now non refundable given the time that has passed. I turned down the opportunity to be a panelist because I just wanted to attend. It is my first BEA experience and my first BBCon and I just didn't want to be a panelist.

    3. If you paid for BBC - that includes your BEA pass no questions asked. This notice was ONLY fro people seeking a free press pass. You will have the exact same access

  9. This is a big time fail of false advertising on Reed and BEA's part. It's like the one hand doesn't know what they other hand is doing.

    You do not want to anger the blogging community, but as of now, you've pretty much done that.

    For bloggers to get the press pass price, what specifically constitutes as professional editorial coverage and total impressions? This is all subjective. 1,000 visitors, 10,000 or 100,000 a week or a month? What what do you consider a blog to be in regards to professional editorial coverage?

    1. They haven't been clear on what their expectations are for the criteria, beyond the requirement that a blogger posts three times a week or more.

  10. Yeah, this is not the most helpful of responses. There's a step in the right direction where BEA says that they're going to try to resolve some of the issues, and that's encouraging. it suggests they recognize the mistake and will make it right (somehow).

    But their standards criteria? Still incredibly ambiguous, and thus not really helpful.

  11. The other big question remains: Are there more mass rejections coming? Or can the people who were not e-mailed yesterday feel safe now that they are "in"?

    1. It seems to me they are forcing us to pay. They must have not made enough money and now need the blogging world to pay. Those who have flights and everything booked have NO CHOICE but to pay for a pass, or they lose out on an substantial amount of money. If they wanted bloggers to pay they should have said so from the very beginning. This is unprofessional and greedy.

      No one is giving answers and everyone you can get a hold of has a different answer or are very vague. Their response now is "E-mail or Call Roger."

      I checked the status of my pass and it still says I am confirmed. I need answers.

      More e-mails will be sent, I am sure.

  12. I really hope this is reversed. They are very evasive and this apology is bogus. I attended last year without a problem and then our blog was just starting out. This year we are even bigger and have done so much for book world and will continue to. This is a big slap in our faces saying we do not meet the requirements, when last year we did. WHAT REQUIREMENTS?

    We cover all and anything to do with books. Attend conventions, book signings, library events, etc. And all of it is shared on our blogs. Is that not what Press is?

    Also, explain to me how three of us got this DENIAL email, but two girls on our SAME site didn't and are confirmed? It is the same stats as the ones I put when registering. On top of this big mess, my badge number was switched and given to my guest reviewer. I am the owner of our blog and yet, I got denied.

    My hotel room is booked along with three other bloggers as well as my fair to New York City. How am I supposed to tell these three bloggers I cannot join them and they have to find someone to cover my part?

    This is a big mess and I really hope its resolved.

  13. Here is what BEA states on its BBC page:

    If you are Editorial media (bloggers, writers, reporters, book reviewers, producers or on-air personalities who are attending BEA specifically to write about the show and/or cover the event for newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, and Internet; or to gain access to authors and their books for possible review and/or feature coverage), Register for BEA Bloggers Conference here.You will be required to provide editorial credentials.

    If you are Non-Editorial media (all other personnel at media companies), Register for BEA Bloggers Conference here.

    So I applied as the Editorial media. Who else? (everyone who is a blogger raises their hands). Then we are all confused, so BEA responds with this post:

    The other issue that we have seen chatter on in the blogosphere is the price for attending.  Please know BEA does vet bloggers to insure that they are active book bloggers.  It is a bit subjective as it is hard to define in black and what what constitutes a true book blogger, but that is one thing we do check on and are cautious who we allow without being militant.  Bloggers pay a flat early bird rate of $135.00 that includes their pass for BEA - end of story for our blogging friends (stop reading now if you are blogger).  Here is where the confusion is running amok - there are non-book blogger attendees or exhibitors that want to attend the BEA Bloggers Conference, (formerly known as the Book Bloggers Convention) they will need to buy their normal BEA badge and for an additional fee can include attending the BEA Bloggers Conference.  

    And then a few days later, posts again with another clarification:

    If you are a qualified book blogger you can register for BEA Bloggers as a blogger or under media. The fee for this pass is $135 (Early Bird) and that includes a full pass to BEA which as well as the exhibits at BlogWorld (BW).  You can upgrade for a full BW conference pass for the difference in the appropriate price point

    And then we received rejections yesterday.

    1. @Jane - Thanks for the link history! Wow - I hadn't even remembered the BBC terms. This is absolutely a case of different departments in the same company tripping over each other. The BEA Press team did its thing, the BBC team did its thing, and customer service is merrily whistling in the dark, blissfully unaware of both.

      They really need to get this mess sorted, and the sooner they get in front of this the better.

    2. Thanks for this. Navigating their site is complicated. And when I applied originally my plan was to "write about the show and/or cover the event" to post on the Internet AND to "gain access to authors and their books for possible review and/or feature coverage." That's what all book bloggers are attending for. Therefore, according to their original definition, we would qualify as Press.

      Changing up what their definition is, depending upon the overwhelming response, is one thing. Changing it up long past their two week policy, without any notification in the interim is wrong and possibly not legal.

      All these posts feel very bait-and-switch-esque....

  14. This whole situatmakes me feel like everything my blog and myself goes unrecognized. Like we are not appreciated. That's what I'm getting from this post. How can my blog not get approved when we have well over three thousand followers and we post reviews and book information every single day. And also what about the money some of us have spent on flights and hotel for the week of BEA, is that really fair to get rejected now after all these reservations have been made. Why not from the very beginning give us notice that our status can be changed at any time. If this doesn't get corrected, I'm pretty sure that BEA personnel will see the true power of the blogging community.

    1. Sorry for the typo. That's how angry I am. Let me correct myself. "This whole situation make me feel like everything myself and my blog do is going unrecognized."

    2. You definitely shouldn't allow BEA, an organization designed to sell books and book paraphernalia to the trade, to define your success as a blogger. No entity gets to define that for you but you and the community you are building.

    3. @Anonymous - Your followers and the community you're building are probably the strongest measures of your success. I don't think you'd ever find a reader, publicist, publisher, or author who would claim otherwise. And I think the fact that Reed acquired the BBC suggests that somewhere in the organization they recognize the importance of what we do.

      In this particular mess, I think one part of the organization (my guess would be Roger Bilheimer's PR Team, though I could be wrong) was simply incompetent. They've plainly shown a shocking ignorance of the publishing industry's media landscape. And as a result, blundered into a minefield.

      I suspect the other (more in-touch parts of the organization) are scrambling to fix it ASAP, but they need to get everything coordinated w/all the relevant departments. At least, that's what I hope is happening.

    4. @Chris, I really hope that's true. Because from what he's responding to several comments seems like this denied without paying for BBC stays denied. I understand that my blog has built a considerable sturdy foundation but what upsets me is not only are we denied but they keep increasing the rate for a pass. Not everyone can afford $135. It just pains me to see how reputable my blog is and we still get rejected. Like I said if I had to pay I would but should I have to choose between paying a bill or going to BEA.

    5. @Jane. Thank you for your kind words. It's just very upsetting. If I could have afforded to go to BBC I would have purchased the tickets. Nothing in life is free so I would have rather paid. However $135 is a bit steep for me. But it seems to me that they just picked a handful bloggers and denied them. They didn't really take the time out to look at credentials because if that was the case, they would know that my blog more than meets the criteria. Furthermore, it seems like Steve is only making changes on those living outside of New York who purchased flights to attend BEA. So I guess "I" don't matter because I live here. So sorry for me, I guess. So local bloggers are screwed! Thanks Steve for making that clear to me. It's just the luck of the draw.

  15. I will say this. @BEABloggers has stepped up for some of us and gotten us that BEA pass. For that, I thank that team wholeheartedly.

    It doesn't change that BEA as a whole needs to step up and offer more than this "apology."

    1. This whole thing was quite confusing! Thankfully BEA Bloggers is stepping up where BEA is not today and clearing up a lot online. The mass email that Book Expo sent really should've outlined specifics because a lot of people are confused about access and that just goes to show that this was badly planned and everything was sent in haste because they wanted to enjoy their holiday weekend and deal with repercussions next week. Unacceptable, Reed Communications.

  16. I emailed BEA last night about my rejection, especially since I registered back in January. I was contacted by someone today who told me I would be comped a pass.

    People are humans and mistakes were made. Thank you for taking measures to right these wrongs.

    1. That great Hannah, I'm happy for you. They fixed one person's problem, now about 100 more to go.

    2. Yeah, I got emailed that I would be contacted next week, that's it. I'm wondering why they're comping some people and not others?

    3. Not sure, Jennifer. I was also told we'd work out the details next week.

    4. <3 you, Hannah! I'm happy for you!! I'm sure it will take time to get the "100 more" bloggers situation fixed. Very glad they have started working towards fixing this error.

  17. I previously registered as non-editorial media as well as for the BBC and have not gotten a rejection. Does that mean I'm all set and I registered correctly?

    1. You're good to go. Because you have paid for non-editorial media.

    2. You should be fine then. :)

    3. Ok, good. That's what I was thinking, but I figured it couldn't hurt to double check.

  18. I have been reading all these posts and can't quite believe all of this. BEA - you need to state all of your facts PRIOR to opening registration. Why did I qualify, without incident, in the past (I attended in 2010) and now, suddenly I don't? Nothing has changed for me except that my stats have increased.

    Secondly more importantly, I registered on January 18 and have also registered for one of the author breakfast ($95.00), spent tickets on my flight from Montreal to New York (not a cheap proposition let me tell you and non refundable). I am now out more than $600.00!!! I really can't afford to lose this money.

  19. I am also highly confused by the criteria and the means in which BEA is vetting blogs. I have friends who have registered who have minimal stats and post once a month who have not received the letter and have been blogging for only 2 months! Others post almost every day and have thousands of followers (and great stats) and have been told they don't qualify!!!

    1. Tina, two of our bloggers got approved, one who is just a guest reviewer and has recently joined our team. Then to top things off when I called and gave my badge number, our guest reviewer had my badge number under her name and the woman told me she was confirmed and good to go. I told the woman on the phone that I can forward my e-mail to her where it has my name on it and how could they have switched my badge number?

      She switched our badges back. I waited about three hours and called back to check the status of my badge and sure enough the woman told me I was confirmed and good to go all of a sudden. So I thought oh wow, okay so my badge number was approved after all. But then the two girls who run the site with me too called and all of a sudden they were confirmed as well after receiving the e-mail. I am just so confused and scared. I e-mailed Steven and hopefully I can get a response and this can be fixed soon. I have my hands tied right now because I have so much already planned, people to meet, train fare bought and hotel booked. :-(

  20. I think this is more about how they are letting the "public" (i.e. - anyone to pay a HIGH admittance fee) in this year and changing up everything last minute. I wish they would have thought this through back in December before registration opened up.

    Also posting a blog post in February doesn't count and sounded a little snarky towards the book bloggers in regards to everything as "qualifications" as a book blogger. That is a low blow, unprofessional move, especially this late in the game. (FYI: Not every single people that attends BEA follows the blog, but does use social networking. Try twitter or Facebook next time.)

    I'm also still frustrated over how I registered for my first year ever for BEA and as non-editorial media, which was for book bloggers & etc... back in January. But now it's put into "Editorial". I remember seeing it was free to attend if I just got my pass (because I'm a broke college student and lucky to have money to pay for $20 of gas). So when I got the email I was baffled at being labeled "Press". I remember that category of people being "Editorial" back in January. Thankfully I live in the same state as BEA, so I didn't pay travel/hotel fees, but I'm not happy in how this affects hundreds in the book blogging community that received the email.

    And lastly, after all this, I feel like it's not worth going to an event that I was beyond excited about. I was thrilled like a kid on christmas because I love books, I love meeting people who are beyond the creativity of such amazing worlds, and seeing something new for the first time in Manhattan. But it's left more than a sour taste in my mouth, more like someone peed in my cereal yesterday.

    1. *So many spelling mistakes. So much frustration on my side :(

  21. I registered for the BEA Book Bloggers Conference on Feb 7th. My credit card was charged $135 on Feb 8th. On April 4th I too received the rejection email. Almost 2 months after I paid for the event.

    When I see the above comment from Steve Rosato:
    "If you paid for BBC - that includes your BEA pass no questions asked. This notice was ONLY for people seeking a free press pass. You will have the exact same access"

    I have to wonder, why was I rejected then? I paid my $135. There was nothing free about it.

    I called the 800 number this morning and was told that in order to go to the conference - my primary reason for attending - I would have to re-register as non-editorial media and pay an additional $96 which would bring the total cost of attending to $231. That's a steep price hike from last years $120 and ouside of my budget,
    So, I cancelled my registration.

    I also sent a reply email to Roger Bilheimer expressing my dissatisfaction with how Reed has handled this entire process. I received an email back letting me know that someone from the BEA press office would reach out to me next week but if I didn't hear from anyone to feel free to reach out to him at the end of the week.

    I then received an email from a Conference Coordinator inquiring about the fact that I have already paid for BEA. Not sure where that will lead...

    But the bottom line is, I cancelled my registration because I was told that the only way I could attend was to fork over $231.

    And then I registered for the Book Blog UNCON.

    1. Whoa! $231? So wait, I am confused. Steven said BBC included passes... Now they don't?

      What is going on? Someone give us answers.

  22. I have been sitting on this since yesterday when I first heard about all this going on. All I can really say is WTH????????

    Its just wrong to change the game after is already being played. All of this should have been noted before you allowed us to register. I mean hello this isn't the first year that bloggers have been attending BEA. They have been going since 2009 this isn't the first year that people have been registering as Press either.

    Are you trying to weed out who attends? Could it have been bad behavior that you are trying to put an end to? Well I think if that is the case then perhaps you need to look more at say how old the blogger is? How long they have been blogging? I know you are saying no one under 18 is allowed to attend.

    When I hear a new blogger is being accepted over an established blogger (meaning they have been blogging for a year +, posting a few times a week, posting relevant content{book reviews} and has the followers/traffic) that is crazy. I personally would take the established blogger over a new blogger (sorry new blogger but that is how i feel)

    Personally for me I waited almost two months before making final arrangements and not hearing back from BEA I figured I was good to go and even when I made a change to my profile to add an author breakfast the person I spoke with said I was good to go so I went a head and made hotel reservations, booked my train ticket (which of course is no refundable) and had my husband book a week off a work to take care of my child so that I could attend.

    I mean now hearing that my free pass might have to be a paid pass is seriously leaving a sour taste in my mouth. I can't afford to dish out more money because its already cutting into my very tight budget. Perhaps you wouldn't mind feeding us for that week?

    I am damned if I do and damned if I don't. I think you really need to honor the agreeemnet and allow the ones who live out of state and are dishing out all kinds of money to attend for free since that was what we agreed upon back in Janaury when we registered.

    Telling us almost two months before the event that oh sorry (lame excuse) that we have to pay isn't cool. I am already strapped for money to go.

    Gee even if the generic email that was sent there was no wording tell us how to re-register.

    Just curious if we cancel will be get the money back from the author breakfast?

    1. I am in the same situation. I've booked hotel and train fare and my husband took a weeks worth of vacation to stay with our kids.

      I am hearing so many people getting comped or an email back at least, yet I haven't heard a thing.

      I think to resolve all this they should reverse it all and just make it known that next year bloggers pay. That we cannot attend as press.

      We do not know what to do if we do not get comped as well. We're in a very bad situation as we have lits of things we were invited to at BEA and interviews that were set up. It's just a mess. But we're playing the waiting game.

    2. As I posted elsewhere, not only is their email (and this situation horrible) their timing was horrible as well. Sending this out right before a holiday and a weekend makes it impossible for us to get any kind of resolution and it is only fueling anger and resentment. Maybe those who made the decision to actually change the rules at the eleventh hour should be coming in to work on the weekend and try to fix their mistakes - instead of being bombarded with a ton of emails/twitters, etc. when they get back after a nice relaxing weekend.

      Why do I think they are having a more relaxed weekend then we are?

  23. I'm seeing that they're responding and letting us know that many of us will be okay with press badges or that they'll ensure people will be able to get in at the rate already paid. I'm glad they're responding en masse and hope that all this will be clarified and fixed well before Book Expo. I'd hate to see the Press booth get mixed up day of.

    Looking forward to BEA and thanks to those at Reed who responded promptly.

  24. I am just curious for the ones who registered as press and haven't been notified (meaning we never got an email to begin with) are we still going in as press? I am coming in from out of town and from another country and don't want to get to BEA to discover my registration is not valid.

    1. Yes - you are fine as long as you have your confirmation number.

  25. OK, now I'm worried. I registered for a press pass 7 days ago. I received the confirmation email with a confirmation number and the caveat: "If your registration is NOT approved, you will hear from us in the near future. Otherwise, please bring your registration confirmation, along with a form of ID, to the event and pick up your badge onsite in the press office."

    After all that I'm reading I'm really not comfortable assuming that I'm approved IF I don't hear anything. Is there any way to check and make sure? I'd be a bit upset if I was notified that I was denied AFTER the Early Bird deadline has passed.

    1. If you haven't heard anything and NEVER got the horrid email that went to 1/3rd of the bloggers, then you are okay. But make sure to contact BEA offices if you are still worried.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

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